ArtAndes Blog

Pre-Colombian Culture

Posted March 10, 2016 @ 8:34am | by Melanie

Pre-Colombian Culture

Time spent with the weavers is time well spent. This year's field trip was to the Amano Museum (my favorite). From that visit, our new designs are inspired by elements of the Pre-Colombian Chancay culture (my favorite). A prolific textile and ceramics culture that settled the coastal area North of Lima from aprox 1,200- 1,470. Peru has the largest ancient textile collection in the world. A unique reason for that honor is that many Pre-Colombian cultures buried their dead in tombs in the desert. (2nd driest desert in the world after the Sahara) Most Ancient Peruvian cultures valued textiles more than gold! (just like me) Our ongoing mission is to preserve this fine hand-craft!


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