ArtAndes Blog

Progress in Paccha!

Posted November 25, 2012 @ 1:37pm | by Comunidad


12 students. Teacher Sonia/ possibly leaving at end of year/option to move Maritza from Ñaupas for next year

$100 food

Offered raise $425 ( from $367) S/1,100

Buying 12 sweaters for the cold



Corozon De Ñaupas

We have finished our obligation here. The government (Vinchos is adding 13 new incial schools) is taking over. The teacher Maritza would like to stay on at another school. The same raise was offered. S/1,100

We took the inicial books ( 106 libros) to Paccha for now ( can move these to Chawpiwasi)

Left the kitchen but we should move it to secondary next year.

Had a long meeting with the high school and they really want to keep the library and improve the use of it. It’s still a novel concept, borrowing a book. We suggested Friday as library day to encourage interaction with it. They thought that was a good idea. We will give it another year. They were encouraged to provide us with titles ( from Peru) to add to it. We will get an inventory of the books soon.

We will continue with the food program in secondary. We again insisted that they improve the kitchen. Will revisit the progress in March.

11 students are graduating this year...more becas!




27 students ( 180 families in Paccha)

Teacher Gloria will stay. Offered raise S/1,150 ( $445)
Library well used

Victor is president of APFA  ‘Asasociacion de Padres de Familia’

Food program is functioning well in inicial. We had to leave ( in the middle of the night to bring a teacher to Ayacucho)  before our morning meeting with Secondary to address the food and library program. We will address this in March. We don’t know how many potential students for Becas there will be yet.

Primaria: We met with 106 students which aprox 80 of whom studied in our inicial program in Paccha and other villages. This was very impressive to meet with that many students who have benefited from our programs. They appear very confident, happy and healthy. They recited poetry and sang for us. One 1st grade Primary class I went into, the two out of aprox 16 students who hadn’t come from an Fundacion inicial program, were the only dirty children with some skin issues in the class...

Primary is asking for help with food and 6 soccer balls. Will address at start of school year




13 students

Profesora Pia. Wants to stay. Offered a raise.
*There is one cleft palate child that needs to be in touch with the MN group who comes down twice a year to do surgery, I’ll make sure the parents get the dates of when they will be in Lima. (Juan Vallejo Sauñe 991900545/ hija Imasumaq)

The library from Culluhuanca will move here. An inventory was done while we were there= 110 books. 

We have a material list of what is needed to finish the kitchen. The community met their obligation of building the structure etc. Cement for the floor, plaster for the walls, 4 panels of transparent roof material for light ( + 2 panels for Primaria) will be provided by us.

Secondary, they want us to continue with food support. We had a long discussion about that. The teachers may be more concerned about their own diets than the students... but we will continue to provide support with healthy food, yet at the same time we are insisting that the teachers demand that Vinchos also provide something nutritional. Vinchos sent food, a large quantity,  in the form of pasta and white rice to the high schools in November. But without vegetables and soy meat to add to it, it’s worthless. These teachers seem a bit lazy. I suggested they round up all the teachers and students of the two schools and bring all the useless food back to Vinchos and demand Quinoa and Lentils, and we will add the vegetables etc. I assume they would rather just let us worry about it. We will try to connect with Vinchos (asking for Maximo to help with this) and at least get them to commit to upgrading the goods and spreading it out throughout the year. At this point the school has alot of this type of food to start the school year with and they are supposed to give us an inventory.




7 students. Not enough to continue. Started with 12, appears that the parents were not all on board and maybe some moved to the coast for work. The teacher Kathy hasn’t been the best teacher so at this point the parents have a choice to send the kids to either Chaquipampa or Hatunpampa, both of which are to either direction by combi 15 minutes. The library ( 110 books) is being moved now to Chaquipampa Will close the school as of Dec 1st. The parents have been assured that we will reopen the school if there is a need. At least this village is in the middle of two others that have inicial and it shouldn’t be a big problem for them.




10 students

Profesora Nancy. Giving a raise to S/1,200 ( $465). She has been with us for 5 years. With the closure of the other school there could be an increase here next year. The books are well used and the parents are also checking them out to take home and read.




*David- finishes in Dec his two years with a mechanic certificate ( Naupas)

*Paulina- finishes in Dec with a business admin in agriculture ( Paccha)

Alicia- changed schools, studying at culinary school ( Naupas)

Julian- continues his studies at University in Agronomy ( Paccha)

*Emerson- finishes is Jan with a dental tech degree ( Paccha)

Pablo- studying journalism and has alot of potential ( Paccha)

Pascual- studying at tech school and continuing ( Naupas)

Edwin- studying at tech school and continuing ( Naupas)

*Raida- finishes in Jan with a nursing certificate ( Paccha)

Zosimo- new scholarship student that has been studying anthropology at University but we overlooked his previous requests for assistance, until now. ( Hatunpampa)

There are 11 new graduates from secundaria Ñaupas this year, some of which will be applying for scholarships. Not sure how many to expect from Paccha




The 4 teachers who will be continuing next year have been encouraged to take a teaching course this school break in either Ayacucho or Lima. The Foundation will cover all costs.



Yep, the time has come...or so we think. Paccha is getting ready for Humana Tourism! Thought it impossible? Julian and Gregorio have committed to a space being ready for aprox 10 gringos to sleep and have a baño and a cold shower. Adela will have Café Adela opened for culinary needs and we’ll spend a few nights in Paccha, in the heart of Andean culture! Today we met with a tour operator who I really like, who is on board with the private transport. The idea is 10-12 people taking the central highland route from Lima to Paccha, ending in Ayacucho. This will be an aprox 12 day trip. Of course all board members encouraged to come partake in the launch of this unique journey next November.


Lima Tarma


Tarma- Huancayo


Huancayo- Huancavelica









Art Classes

Would like to discuss the possibility of having Wilber teach some weaving courses in Paccha. They have looms but no one is weaving patterns, the older people are weaving solids, ( even I can do that) that are then embroidered. The skill of weaving design is lost. The looms have been provided by a government program for the affected people of terrorism. So it’s mostly widows and older men. If there is a way to also include high-school aged kids as an art project with this, it could be a way to preserve a cultural craft that is disappearing.

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