ArtAndes Blog

Books to Peru

Posted January 18, 2010 @ 8:28pm | by Melanie

Fundacion Comunidad is launching a new project in the Paccha, Ayacucho area. With memorial money from our founder 'Wally Ebertz' we have purchased over 400 Spanish books so far and they are in route to Peru this week. The travelers joining Melanie on the 'Spirit of the Andes' journey that starts in Lima on Thursday are the book courier's for the book mobile. The book mobile is actually four traveling book trunks. They are being designed by Wilber Quispe, they will be artistic and hand-carved and in the shape of a giant Ayacucho retablos. There is a trunk for each of the 4 villages we work in and they will rotate monthly. There will be a check out system on the inside door of the retablo. This will be the first time any of these young people what we know of, will have ever had a book to bring home. The books were all very carefully selected by board member Pam Hoff, a teacher and a passionate reader, just like her Father Wally. Visit for further info on the works of the foundation.

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